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Upshire Primary Foundation School Inspire*Excite*Achieve

Monday 18th January 2021

Hello TERRIFIC families!

I hope you had a good weekend; you probably needed time to recharge.  Next week each of the teachers will be holding two Zoom Meetings weekly - this will give the children the opportunity to see their teachers and their friends.  Let's hope the technology gremlins are on our side!

Further details will follow shortly via ParentMail and will be on their class pages too.


 Zoom Meeting expectations – please read

üTo ensure the safety of pupils and staff participating in the Zoom meeting, it is important that we all abide by the strict safeguarding measures outlined below

üA parent or carer must be present and visible in the meeting with their child

üThe children must undertake the meetings in a non-private location (no bedrooms) and no headphones are to be used

üChildren must wear suitable daytime dress only

üIt is now compulsory on Zoom to have a ‘waiting room’ and children will only be allowed to enter when given access by their class teacher

üWhen you are admitted into the meeting we ask that you ensure that your child’s first name is clearly labelled

üChildren will be muted on arrival - the teacher will be in complete control of who can speak and when

üMeetings will only begin once there are 3 or more children in the waiting room for safeguarding reasons

üMeetings must not be recorded in accordance with GDPR
